Since our inception, RESCOM LLC has focused on building
a strategic, quality business consulting practice.
RESCOM proudly offers a full suite of tribal economic development tools with a focus on preserving Native American cultures, traditions and tribal resources. Our team is composed of experts in water, land management, the creation and operation of tribal businesses, cultural resource departments, natural resource departments, lobbying, legislation and entity funding. We assist native tribes in obtaining federal match funds for the creation of natural resources projects as well as for fostering tribal economic development through tribal training and education programs based on a tribe’s unique culture. Our approach provides services to meet the needs of the individual tribal member, individually-owned tribal business, tribal government-owned businesses, and tribal governmental entities and departments.
Our team helps create and operate tribal governmental entities, tribal businesses, and various utility and natural resource departments within the context of a tribe's own unique and individual value system rather than a one-size-fits-all federal cookie cutter system. Once these structures are created, the RESCOM team helps create training programs for tribal members focused on providing tribal members with valuable skills and income earning opportunities. Our approach allows tribal members to learn to operate utilities and manage tribal natural resources on behalf of their tribe. Individually-owned tribal businesses and tribal government-owned businesses can be formed to construct the various tribal projects on tribal lands. This puts tribal money to work for tribally-owned business which in turn creates additional sources of wealth for tribes, tribal businesses and individual tribe members.
The RESCOM approach allows tribal governments the opportunity to provide its members with new economic development freedoms by maximizing available funding. This funding is used to create businesses, tribal utilities, and education and training programs. Each project created on tribal land is overseen and managed by tribal leaders and members, and by providing natural resource management training to individual tribal members, the tribe provides its members with utilities and sustainable careers at the same time. As a result, the RESCOM approach helps tribes expand their sovereignty at each step by giving tribes and their members control over tribal resources.