Government Business Services
Federal Partnerships and Business Development
The RESCOM Team knows the Fed and how to do business in this market. They have been actively working in this market for for nearly 20 years, facilitating successful teaming partnerships and joint ventures and capturing many multi-state, institutional and sole source contracts for national, federal, international and tribally-owned corporations. Regardless of a company's size, ownership or industry focus, the Fed experts at RESCOM will design and help implement intricate government-based business development plans with sales and marketing matrices based on current and actual federal budget predictions and analysis. The RESCOM process has been tested and confirmed time and again with favorable results totaling more than $2.4 billion in contracts with the Fed.
Tribal Government Business
Our goal at RESCOM is to be a catalyst for positive economic growth and critical change in an effort to bring the rewards of success to our clients. We help find federal match funding for upstart tribal business ventures, as well as for the creation of tribal natural resource, species management, water rights and cultural projects. We provide federal go-to-market preparation and planning for tribally-owned businesses, consulting on potential partnerships and creating applicable agreements. Our experience and expertise as an objective partner help us evaluate the strength of a new business plan or assess the conditions within an existing company while also considering the importance of culture, beliefs and traditions to those involved. This is accomplished while also saving our tribal business clients thousands of dollars in legal fees and structural requirements, paying for our work in function and service.
Tribal Capacity
RESCOM helps build tribal capacity through the implementation of tribal programs and infrastructure development to enhance sovereignty and tribal control over tribal resources. This work begins with a focus on the necessary government framework, such as tribal ordinances, codes and policies designed for expanding tribal capacity. Brave, robust economic development structuring leads to tribal government and business cooperation, as well as the successful funding of the tribal government and off-reservation business support for tribally-owned companies. The result is the creation of internal and external projects often with funding options that will continue to generate tribal capacity long after the process begins.
Training, Resources, Staffing and Education
Successful economic development is founded on solid training and education programs, and RESCOM's goal is to help create education and training programs based on the unique cultures, values, and traditions of sovereign tribal entities. Our approach serves to meet the needs of individual tribal members, individually-owned tribal businesses, tribally-owned government business, and tribal government entities and departments. Once a successful business and economic framework are created, the RESCOM team helps create the appropriate management and tribal training structures, implementing tribal workforce training programs based on a tribe's individual and unique culture. The emphasis always is on building sustainable native economies and promoting tribal economic independence.
Land Trust Development
and Management
The RESCOM team is focused on the protection of traditionally important resources, including sacred sites, ceremonial sites, battlegrounds, burial sites and archeological sites. Through negotiation, we help tribal governments develop agreements with state and federal agencies — including branches of the military — to acquire such ancestral lands and put them into tribal land trusts. RESCOM also works with tribal entities to identify, retrieve and recover traditional items held in museums or state and federal government collections, as well as handling NAGPRA claims and repatriation efforts.
Species Management
RESCOM understands species management is an essential component of the cultural and spiritual traditions of many tribal communities, focusing on the intrinsic and ever-evolving relationship between living organisms and their environments. As such, our team assists tribes in the creation of plans to manage and secure the future of endangered species, native species and culturally-significant plant and animal species. Working directly with the appropriate state or federal agencies, RESCOM helps avoid unnecessary state or federal government intrusion by putting tribal land and natural resources safely in the tribe's care and control.
Preserving Tribal History
Tribal communities have struggled for years to protect their identities and preserve their cultures. RESCOM puts control of these efforts back in the hands of tribes, communities and cultural leaders by assisting in the development of the tribal infrastructure, funding sources, governmental relationships and programs necessary to manage and protect tribal values, historic places and lands, and culturally-significant resources. This is accomplished by creating comprehensive information management systems related to historic and cultural preservation; by developing programs to enhance sovereignty through formal educational and cultural program and preserving oral traditions; and developing a plan and infrastructure (including tribal museums) to preserve and maintain historic places and artifacts.
Tribal Water Rights
Water is life, and it also is a tool for growing healthy communities and economies and affirming tribal sovereignty. Yet, many Native American and Alaskan tribes continue to struggle to control the flow of water on their own lands. RESCOM works with tribes to quantify their superior water rights, to provide a framework for working through water disputes with neighboring landowners, and to help tribes access fund sourcing to maximize their water rights.